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  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语534期

    【英文原音】 - I'm taking you somewhere. - I'm going somewhere -- to work. - Get someone to cover for you. - I can't just jump in the car with you. Because you decide to show up. - Well, I'm not asking you to. This is a onetime offer, and there...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语533期

    【E文菌】 -Darling,youre sweet.Charming even.But at some point,George is going to get tired of slumming and come back to me. -I dont know who you think you are or who I am,but Im from the suburbs.That doesnt make me a loser.It just makes me not f...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语532期

    【英文】 - Look, Han said it was a two-room suite. Andy can come with us. It's still our trip. He doesn't have to know he is the third wheel. - Well, you know I'm always a fan of lying, so I'm in. 【翻译】 - 听着,憨说是组合旅馆。安...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语531期

    【英文】So,congratulations.You win. 【翻译】恭喜你。你赢了。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语530期

    【原文】I've been thinking about this for the last 90 miles and...you don't have to forgive me.you can go to the police,kick me,you can burn my house down.you just have to know that I am so racked with guilty.I don't think it's possible for m...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语529期

    【原文】 D:How long have you been here? A:I arrived around half-past comet,watching you screw up every chance you had to open that tomb. D:How did you know about the spell? A:I didn't say much back then,which means I heard everything. 【翻译】...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语528期

    【英文】: -Whats wrong? -Alex just blew off our do-over date. Say he has to work. -Well, that sounds legit. -Its not. Club is closed on Mondays. 【翻译】: -怎么了? -阿历克斯拒绝了我补救约会的提议。说他要加班。 -听着...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语527期

    【英文原音】 - Well... I-I like the way I feel when he looks at me. - How? - Like... like I wanna believe in myself. I-I know. You think it's a clich? - Uh, no. No, sweetie. I-I-I think it's... It's incredible. - Yeah. 【翻译】 - 额...我喜...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语526期

    【原文】Some people spend their time on this planet,just sitting on the sidelines...waiting for something to happen to them...before it's too late. 【翻译】有些人一辈子,只作壁上观,坐等这自己生命结束前,会有惊喜出...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语525期

    【英文】 - You know, from now on, when I think of you, I'm gonna think of you in this and not the uniform. - You know, from now on, maybe you shouldn't think of me at all. Gotta go, Mr. Manhattan. 【翻译】 - 从现在开始,每当我想起你...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语524期

    【英文】Ooh.Very clever.That's a tough one. 【翻译】非常聪明。这个可不容易。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语523期

    【E文菌】 Seriously?Driving is awesome.You get to have total control over your life and go where you wanna go and listen to the radio really loud. Thats why we have drivers. Oh,well,youre missing out. 【中文菌】 真的吗?开车可好玩了。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语522期

    【原文】 This town is my home,Stefan.My friends and family are here.You're here.I don't want that tomb opened any more than you do. 【翻译】 这小镇可是我的家啊,斯特凡。朋友和家人都在这里,还有你也在。我比你更不...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语521期

    【英文】: -Hey, are you taking something for the pain? Yeah, but nothing that dulls my mother. Shes got a zillion questions, and therere getting harder to dodge. 【翻译】: -你吃止痛药了吗? -吃了。但我妈变得异常警惕,她都...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语520期

    【英文原音】 Lucky for us. Mental acuity and common sense rarely come in the same package. 【翻译】 我们很幸运,聪明头脑的人一般都没有常识。...
