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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>跟着美剧练发音>
  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语399期

    【原文】And just so you know,next spring, When we do Bambi.His mothers gonna take a slug to the heart.And you're gonna like it. 【翻译】通知你一下,明年春天。我们的小孩来演小鹿斑比的时候,他们的妈妈将要一决雌...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语398期

    【原文】 vampire A:Leave that girl alone. vampire B:I like her. She looks like Katherine. vampire A:She's not Katherine.OK,Katherine is in the tomb. vampire B:I know,but until we open that tomb,I get her to play with. 【翻译】 鬼A:离她远点...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语397期

    【英文】: -Things just feel different. -But they're not different. Nothing has changed. I'm still in love with you. 【翻译】: -感觉一切都不同了。 -没什么不同的,什么都没有改变。我依然爱着你。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语396期

    【英文原音】 it's often said that no matter the truth, people see what they want to see. some people might take a step back and find out they were looking at the same big picture all along. 【翻译】 人们经常说,无论真相是什么,人...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语395期

    【E文菌】 There we were,at a real downtown New York party.I was starting to feel like a princess,escaping my life of responsibility in the suburbs.And just like that,prince charming entered into the story. 【中文菌】 我们来到了一个真正...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语394期

    【英文】You can afford to open the diner for one night. You can't put a price tag on those kind of emotional rewards. 【翻译】就免费开放一晚,你还承受的起吧。帮助别人,情感上的满足是无价的。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语393期

    【英文】Penny,this is not a good time. 【翻译】佩妮,现在不方便说话。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语392期

    【原文】 Rex,whatever you want.I'll go there with you.You just have to say it out loud.Tell me.What do you want?What do you need? 【翻译】 雷克斯,无论你想要什么。我都会满足你,你只要说出来。告诉我,你到底想...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语391期

    【原文】 vampire A:what are you doing here? vampire B:Trying to get the journal,as in sticking to the plan,something you're not doing. 【翻译】 鬼A:你在这儿做什么? 鬼B:来拿那本笔记本,执行我们的计划,做你没有做...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语390期

    【英文】:I would never do anything to hurt Spencer. Good. If you mean that, you'll stay away from her. 【翻译】:我绝不会做任何伤害斯宾塞的事。很好,如果你真这么想,就离她远点。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语389期

    【英文原音】 ①[i accept your apology, but it doesn't really make it okay.] sweetie. ②[honey, as you get older, ] ③[every choice that you make, defines who you're gonna turn into.] ④[so rather than apologize to me, you need to look at yo...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语388期

    【E文菌】 You wanna tell me what you were planning on doing with all this? Ive never seen that stuff before.Maybe its Carries? Okay.All right,then you wont mind that Im taking it or that I moved the ladder from outside your window.Looks like your...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语387期

    【英文】But if you don't mind a professional opinion, man, you've got to put some heart into this thing. 【翻译】如果你不介意听听专业意见的话你的音乐需要更用心,放感情去做啊。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语386期

    【英文】People can't be in my bedroom. 【翻译】我的卧室不许外人进。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语385期

    【原文】 It doesn't take much for her to fall off the wagon.I know she seems like a very strong woman but....She has a major weakness. 【翻译】 但是江山易改,本性难移。我知道她看着像个坚强的女人。但是她有致命弱点...
