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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>跟着美剧练发音>
  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语369期

    【英文】:Don't look a gift card in the mouth. The universe gave you a pass. 【翻译】:别吹毛求疵了,老天爷放了你一马。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语368期

    【英文原音】 --i mean, we haven't actually defined what we are to each other. --well, maybe this is the perfect opportunity to do it. 【翻译】 --我是说,我们还没有真正确定过我们现在的关系。 --也许现在正是最好的机...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语367期

    【英文】 - Okay, boys, break it up. Go about your business. Nothing to see. - Max. Max and Johnny's first date. So proud. - It's not a date. - Be home at 11:00... A.M. 【翻译】 - 好了,伙计们,别闹了。各回各家,各找各妈吧。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语366期

    【英文】You are gonna have to learn to do these things for yourself,penny. 【翻译】你必须学会自己去做这些事情,佩妮。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语365期

    【原文】 -So if I went back to work,you could stay home and take care of the kids. -I can't be with the kids all day.I'd lose my mind. -Aha. -Hey,Ok,I get it.Home schooling is out. 【翻译】 -所以如果我重返职场,由你待在家里照顾...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语364期

    【原文】 S:you know,I could help you. D:You,help me?Aw,I don't know.Seems a little unnatural. S:I'll do anything to get you out of this town,even release Katherine. 【翻译】 斯特凡:你知道么,我可以帮你的。 达蒙:你,帮我...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语363期

    【英文】:Look, I don't want what happened to me to happen to you. Fool me once, shame on you, and fool my best friend, you're dead-frickin'-meat. 【翻译】:我可不想让我的悲剧在你身上重演。耍我一次,已经够无耻的了,...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语362期

    【英文原音】 well, uh, she was your dad's first great love. as she liked to remind me every chance she got. it's kind of hard to compete with that. 【翻译】 额,她是你爸的初恋。这总会让我想起她以前有那么多机会。很难...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语361期

    【E文菌】 Its like hes everywhere.Who knew this school was so small? Me.When Maggie and I broke up,I darted around every corner like she might be waiting there to throw something at me. Luckily,she ended up being pretty cool about it. 【中文菌】...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语360期

    【英文】 - Um, hello? Anyone here? - Oh, hey, I'm over here. - I'm sorry. Where? - By the papers. - Which papers? - The papers near the papers. 【翻译】 - 你好,请问有人吗? - 我在这呢。 - 抱歉,哪里? - 报纸这边。 - 哪...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语359期

    【英文】 - Um, hello? Anyone here? - Oh, hey, I'm over here. - I'm sorry. Where? - By the papers. - Which papers? - The papers near the papers. 【翻译】 - 你好,请问有人吗? - 我在这呢。 - 抱歉,哪里? - 报纸这边。 - 哪...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语358期

    【英文】We are all set. 【翻译】万事俱备...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语357期

    【原文】 Kids at home school do better in their later years. They won't make it to their later years if I have to spend all day with them. Honey,sometimes you've just go to make the sacrifice. It's probably the best thing for the kids. Why don'...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语356期

    【原文】I'm really sorry that it won't be of any help with your diabolical plan,the sequel. 【翻译】实在不好意思这个不能帮你开展你那个邪恶计划的续篇。 【词汇】diabolical [daiə'bɔlikl] adj. 恶魔的 sequel ['si:...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语355期

    【英文】:I guess I just sort of had a feeling something was up. 【翻译】:我只是感觉发生了些什么事。...
