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  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9074 The British Prime Minister Teresa May has said an early election is the only way to ensure stability as the country negotiates its withdrawal from the European Union. In a surprise announcement, Mrs. May declared the vote would take place on June 8th
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9075 Tens of thousands of Venezuelans are taking part in the latest demonstrations in cities across the country against President Nicolas Maduro. A student protester has been shot dead in the capital, Caracas, where security forces fired teargas and rubbe
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9076 Campaigning is drawing to a close ahead of the first round of voting in France's presidential election. The final day was overshadowed by the Islamist attack in Paris on Thursday which prompted some candidates to cancel their final appearances, but a
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9077 President Trump has again warned that a major conflict could break out with North Korea over its nuclear missile program. He said he will prefer a diplomatic outcome to that dispute, but that will be very difficult to achieve. Earlier, the US Secreta
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9078 The medical charity, MSF, said up to 25,000 people have fled the town of Kerdo in South Sudan amid intense fighting over the past three days. Three years of civil war have displaced thousands of people, while a famine as been declared in some areas. 无
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9079 Venezuela says it will withdraw from the Organization of American States, accusing it of trying to meddle in the country's internal affairs. The decision was signaled shortly after the group voted to hold an emergency meeting of foreign ministers to
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9080 The Palestinian militant group Hamas has published its first new policy document since its found in charter in an effort to soften its image. In the document Hamas declares its willingness to accept an interim Palestinian state within the pre-1967 bo
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9081 Opposition demonstrators in Venezuela have set up road blocks and clashed with police in cities across the country to protest against President Nicholas Maduro's announcement of a new constituent assembly. President Maduro said it's necessary to neut
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9082 Emmanuel Macron has won the French Presidential election. Projected results suggested the pro-European centrist secured about 65% of the vote, well ahead of his far-right rival Marine Le Pen. Within the past half hour, Mr. Macron has given a televise
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9083 US media reports say the President Trump told senior Russian officials visiting the White House that the FBI Director James Comey was crazy and that firing him had relieved great pressure on him as President. The White House has not disputed the lang
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9084 President Trump has addressed Arabian Muslim leaders calling on them to purge terrorism from their countries. Speaking at a summit in Saudi Arabia, Mr. Trump defined the fight against terrorism as a battle between good and evil, not between faiths or
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9085 President Trump has met the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Mr. Trump said the two countries must take advantage of the current situation to achieve a more peaceful future for the region. He said he had seen many hopeful signs that this wa
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9086 British police have named the man they believe carried out the suicide bombing at a pop concert in Manchester on Monday killing 22 people. He is Salman Abedi, a 22-year-old who was born in Manchester, his family is of Libyan origin. Police have arres
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9087 President Trump has told Americas NATO allies they must increase their defense spending to what he has described as the bare minimum of 2% of GDP. Addressing alliance leaders in Brussels, Mr. Trump said only five of its 28 members were meeting what h
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 9088 Egyptian president says the countrys army has targeted the jihadist training camp in retaliation for the attack on Coptic Christians south of capital Cairo. Abdel-Fattah al-sisi didnt say where the camp was. Earlier he said the gunman would not divid