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  • 纸牌屋第一季 第61期:彼得和罗素的争执 You fucked me, Frank. 你害了我,弗兰克 I shouldn't have let you do it, but I did. 我不该让你那么做,可我没反抗 Are you done now? 你抱怨完了吗 Get up. 起来 No. I said get up. 不要,给我站起来 And follow me. Now. 跟
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第62期:我们已经没退路 We're almost a month into the strike, 罢工已持续近一个月 and we've got millions of kids stuck home from school. 无数孩子待在家里不能上学 Do you blame the White House or Congress? 你会不会责怪白宫或国会 I personally hav
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第63期:教师罢工转向暴力 You wanna know if I killed anyone? 您想问我有没有杀过人 I think I know the answer. 我想我知道答案了 I got a dinner meeting with Birch. I'll be... 我和博奇吃晚餐,我要 I invited him in for coffee. 我请他进来喝杯咖啡
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第64期:投砖事件 No one can prove anything. So that's the most cogent response. 没人拿得出证据,这是最有力的回应 Well, go on TV and say that. 那就上电视解释啊 You deplore violence in any form. 你憎恶任何形式的暴力 It's congress that
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第65期:克莱尔探病 I feel like I've met the real you for the first time just now. 我觉得我这才第一次见到真实的你 Janet. 珍妮特 Is this a bad time? No. 来得不巧吗,没事 No, not at all. 没关系的 I'm sorry. I didn't know you were coming. 抱歉
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第66期:为投砖事件道歉 He's doing well. He hasn't had a drink in a month. 他干得不错,一个月滴酒不沾 Oh, good for him. I like him. 那好啊,我喜欢他 Oh, good, because he could use your help. 很好,因为他需要你帮忙 How? We're running him for G
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第67期:规矩就是规矩 Interesting. You left out E for Education. 有意思,你漏掉了教育里的E So let Defecation 所以还是... 澄清 Edification. I'm sorry. LOL. 启迪,抱歉,哈哈 You like sesame street so much? 你这么喜欢《芝麻街》(美国知名
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第68期:优秀的候选人 No, it's got to be here. I can't be getting on a plane. 不,必须得在这里,我不能坐飞机 It looks too opportunistic. 那样就太投机了 Maybe if we open it up a little bit. 或许我们该扩大点范围 No, we cannot lower our standa
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第69期:结束这一切 Mr. President? 总统先生 I want it over. 结束这一切 As soon as possible. 越快越好 Gut the bill, Frank. 修改法案,弗兰克 Do whatever's necessary to end this. 不惜一切代价结束罢工 Mr. President, if we give in now, 总统先生
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第70期:你就是一块石头 Frank, you always pay too much. This is way too much. 弗兰克,你总是多给,实在太多了 For the inconvenience. 算是谢谢你送来 You know, 20 years you been coming to my joint. 你光顾我的小店都有二十年了 This the first ti
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第71期:八岁男孩中流弹身亡 So he took my hand and he put a ring on it. 于是他拉起了我的手,为我戴上了戒指 Because he knew I'd say yes. 因为他知道我会答应的 He's a man who knows how to take what he wants. 他懂得如何获得他想要的东西 Is thi
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第72期:你我之间的不同 Thank you. 谢谢 Frank. 弗兰克 So? 说吧 You said you wanted to talk. 你说你想谈谈 You said you wanted to work out a compromise. 你说你想达成一个妥协 I lied. 我撒谎了 Excuse me? 你说什么 纸牌屋第1季.jpg I have no int
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第73期:死里逃生 Set them up over here. 椅子摆在那边 Vice President Matthews. 副总统马修斯 Bob. Mr. Vice President. 鲍勃,副总统先生 Mr. Vice President. Frank. 副总统先生,弗兰克 Sir, I'm gonna need you to stand on your mark. 先生,请站
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第74期:大忙人 Good morning. 早上好 The education reform and achievement act that I sign into law today 由我签署并于今天生效的《教育改革和成就法案》 will affect every child and parent in the United States, 与全国的孩子及其家长息息
  • 纸牌屋第一季 第75期:凤凰涅槃 I should go. 我要走了 It's on the campaign. 帐记在竞选经费上 Our crosstabs show 81% of likely voters 民调数据显示81%可能投票的选民 are willing to consider a recovering alcoholic. 会考虑投给戒酒的候选人 Now, those n