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相关教程: 摩登家庭 美剧



  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第16期:努力工作 It's locked. 锁住了 Well, just 那就 Hello? Hey, guys? 喂 有人吗 Oh, my gosh. 老天啊 They're not gonna hear us. We're trapped out here. 他们听不到 我们困在这了 Just stop being so dramatic. 别这么一惊一乍的 We'll just go
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第17期:我爱你 Guys, you're on the same team! 小伙子 你们一个队的 Time out! 暂停 - Time out! - Get over here! -暂停 -给我过来 Guys, earlier we practiced a few set plays. 各位 我们刚刚合计的几个战术 Did any of them involve wrestling the
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第18期:孩子像鸟飞翔 Okay. I'll do it. - Thanks. 好 我来 -谢谢 And so the student becomes the master. 所以说青出于蓝而胜于蓝 - The once mighty- - You know what? Forget it. -昔日王者 -算了 不劳你驾 No, no, no, no. I'm good. I'm good. 不不不不
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第19期:撒娇女 Mom. 妈 That was 20 minutes. 你晚了20分钟 Mom, I am so, so sorry. 妈 我非常非常抱歉 I know it's no excuse, 我知道我不该这样 but I've been feeling a lot of pressure at school. 只是我人在学校身不由己 You know, with frie
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第20期:生气的妈妈 Teach her to screw with me. 看你还敢耍我 I set a pick and then rolled towards the basket. 我阻断了防守 然后跑到球篮下 Luke passed to me. I shot the ball and almost made it. 卢克把球传给我 我投篮 几乎进了 I bought Lily
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第1期:新增狗成员 Honeydew! What's up? 宝贝儿 找我什么事 Guess who's here. 猜猜谁来了 Your dad! 是你爸 He drove his R.V. all the way up from Cocoa Beach. 他从可可海滩一路开着房车过来的 Hey, Son, working hard? 儿子啊 在努力工作吗
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第2期:父亲带儿子逃课 Mr. Pritchett. Uh, Ben- Ben Dugan. 普里契特先生 我是本 本杜根 I went to high school with Mitch. 我是米奇的高中同学 We were in the drama club together. 我们一起参加过戏剧社 - That's right. - Yeah. -想起来了 -是的 G
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第3期:笑口常开 Oh, crap. 靠 毁了 Your mother-in-law just had to have the dog. 你婆婆非要养这只狗 Turns out she's allergic. 结果发现原来她对狗过敏 And the pet store didn't have a grace period 宠物店就没个宽限期 or a return policy or a
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第4期:对狗过敏 It's just a movie. 只是电影罢了 - Oh, he's so cute. - Look at his little face. -它好可爱啊 -瞧它那小脸 I always wanted a dog. Thanks, Grandpa. 我一直想养狗来着 谢谢爷爷 Okay, but remember, having a dog is a major responsib
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  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第6期:骚扰电话 Oh, geez. 天啊 I am telling you, Phil, the man was crying. 我跟你说 菲尔 你爸真哭了 That is impossible. 不可能 My dad is the happiest guy on earth. 我爹是全世界最乐天的人 It probably just sounded like he was crying. 大概是
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第7期:恐惧的体验 Is that the alarm? Has our perimeter been breached? 这是警报吗 我们家被入侵了吗 It's not the alarm. The doorbell won't stop ringing. 不是警报 是门铃停不下来了 - Maybe a demon is ringing it. - Not a demon. -也许是魔鬼在按
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第8期:不穿裤子吃早餐 Dad? 爸 Come on in! It's open! 进来吧 门没锁 Don't tell me. You need a cup of sugar. 别说你是上隔壁借白糖来了 Nah. Just, uh- 不 我只是 I was just wondering, I don't know, uh- 我只是觉得 那个 Anything on the old noodle? 您
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第9期:中餐 Can't take my eyes off that dog for a second. 对这狗一秒钟也不能大意 Why don't you just keep him in the crate? 干嘛不把它关笼子里 I tried that. He figured out how to get out. 我关了 他自己会开笼子 I thought you were deal
  • 《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第10期:在家闷得慌 I'll always remember him as the stranger holding my baby. 我会记得他是抱着我女儿的陌生人 Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a second? 你能到厨房来一下吗 Yeah. Hey, guys, let's, uh- let's just take five. 好的 各位 我们休