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  • 乔布斯传 第599期:分家(11) 搜索 复制 For the announcement of the video iPod, Jobs rented a theater in San Jose, 为了发布这款带有视频功能的iPod,乔布斯在圣何塞租了一座剧院, and he invited Iger to be his surprise guest onstage. 还邀请了艾格作
  • 乔布斯传 第600期:分家(12) 搜索 复制 Iger had just come back from opening the new Disneyland in Hong Kong, with Eisner at his side in his last big act as CEO. 艾格与艾斯纳一起参加了香港迪士尼乐园的开幕式,这是艾斯纳在任职CEO期间的最后一次
  • 乔布斯传 第601期:分家(13) 搜索 复制 Iger went about it in an unusual way. When he first talked to Jobs, 这一次艾格用了不同寻常的方式。当他第一次和乔布斯提起这件事的时候, he admitted the revelation that had occurred to him in Hong Kong and
  • 乔布斯传 第602期:分家(14) 搜索 复制 But first Jobs needed the blessing of John Lasseter and Ed Catmull, so he asked them to come over to his house. 但是首先,乔布斯需要得到约翰拉塞特和埃德卡特穆尔的支持,所以他邀请他们来到家中。 He
  • 乔布斯传 第603期:分家(15) 搜索 复制 Indeed after seeing what was coming up over the next few years -- Cars, Ratatouille, WALL-E 实际上,在看了之后几年皮克斯出品的作品--《汽车总动员》、《美食总动员》以及《机器人瓦力》 Iger told hi
  • 乔布斯传 第604期:分家(16) 搜索 复制 Before the Disney board got a chance to approve the merger, however, 然而,在迪士尼董事会通过收购决议之前, Michael Eisner arose from the departed to try to derail it. 迈克尔艾斯纳有些动摇,并试图阻止这
  • 乔布斯传 第605期:分家(17) 搜索 复制 After he left the room, Iger refuted his argument point by point. 在艾斯纳离开会议室之后,艾格逐项反驳了他的观点。 Let me tell you what was wrong with that presentation, he began. 让我来告诉你们,他刚才的
  • 乔布斯传 第606期:蛤、冰块和向日葵(1) 搜索 复制 Clams, Ice Cubes, and Sunflowers 蛤、冰块和向日葵 Ever since the introduction of the iMac in 1998, Jobs and Jony Ive had made beguiling design a signature of Apple's computers. 自从1998年推出iMac后,乔布斯和乔尼艾弗
  • 乔布斯传 第607期:蛤、冰块和向日葵(2) 搜索 复制 The G4 Cube was almost ostentatious in its lack of ostentation, and it was powerful. G4 Cube并非虚有其表,其功能也很强大。 But it was not a success. It had been designed as a high-end desktop, 但是,该产品并不成功
  • 乔布斯传 第608期:蛤、冰块和向日葵(3) 搜索 复制 Partly because of the poor sales of the Cube, Apple produced disappointing revenue numbers in September 2000. 2000年9月,苹果公司的营收不佳,部分原因是Cube的销售业绩太差。 That was just when the tech bubble was
  • 乔布斯传 第609期:蛤、冰块和向日葵(4) 搜索 复制 Jobs went home early that day to mull over the problem, then called Ive to come by. 当天,乔布斯早早回到家,开始仔细考虑这个问题,并把艾弗也叫来了。 They wandered into the garden, which Jobs's wife had pl
  • 乔布斯传 第610期:英特尔芯片(1) 搜索 复制 Intel Inside 英特尔芯片 Apple's innovations were more than skin-deep. 苹果公司的创新并非流于表面。 Since 1994 it had been using a microprocessor, called the PowerPC, that was made by a partnership of IBM and Motorola.
  • 乔布斯传 第611期:英特尔芯片(2) 搜索 复制 Jobs did not cede any real power to his board, 乔布斯并没有给予董事会任何实质性权力, but he did use its meetings to kick around ideas and think through strategies in confidence, 但他还是秘密同董事会成员一起
  • 乔布斯传 第612期:英特尔芯片(3) 搜索 复制 Intel had a reputation for being a tough partner, 人们都觉得英特尔是个难对付的合作伙伴, coming out of the days when it was run by Andy Grove and Craig Barrett, Otellini said. 这是安迪格鲁夫和克雷格巴雷特掌
  • 乔布斯传 第613期:期权(1) 搜索 复制 Options 期权 Among Jobs's quirks was his attitude toward money. 乔布斯的怪癖之一便是对于金钱的态度。 When he returned to Apple in 1997, he portrayed himself as a person working for $1 a year, 1997年重回苹果时,他