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 根据大仲马小说《基督山伯爵》改编,该剧描述一个名叫Emily Thorne的神秘女人来到富人云集的汉普顿,租下一栋靠海的房子,对外宣称自己是来度夏的。她很快赢得了邻居的信任。但他们都不知道,这个女人所做的每一件事都有目的--她要让多年前使其家破人亡的Grayson家族血债血偿。

  • 《复仇》第8集 第19期:不幸的遭遇 I am not marrying you, Marion. 我不会和你结婚的 玛丽恩 That is not what this is. 我们的关系不是这样的 You can't leave me! How are we gonna survive? 你不能离开我 你让我们怎么活 Nobody promised to take care of you, and
  • 《复仇》第8集 第20期:母女对峙 Well... and she was right. 她说得对 The grand jury failed to indict me, 大陪审团没有起诉我 though I was hardly hailed as a hero. 但我也没被誉为英雄 The judge sentenced me to a 6-month 法官判我六个月的 in-patient psychiat
  • 《复仇》第8集 第21期:坚强就好 Get up. Get up and face me. 站起来 站起来面对我 Tell me who hired you to take my sister. 是谁指使你带走我姐姐的 Girls come to me willingly. 女孩子们都是自愿来找我的 Not Colleen. I was there. 珂兰不是那样的 我当时
  • 《复仇》第7集 第22期:未来 Marco, wait. 马可 等等 About the missing money... 那笔失踪的钱 it all went to the daughter of our first investor. 都给了公司第一位投资者的女儿 What investor, Nolan? 什么投资者 诺兰 Who are you talking about? 你说的是谁
  • 《复仇》第8集 第24期:名师出高徒 Why, Victoria? 为什么 维多利亚 This was all I had. 那是我的一切 This was my last chance. 我最后的机会 You had many chances before this one. 在此之前你的机会多了去了 When Maxwell died, we were nearly penniless. 麦斯威尔
  • 《复仇》第8集 第25期:诗人天赋 Is that Daniel's poetry? 那是丹尼尔的诗歌吗 Merely copies, I imagine. 只是些复印稿吧 Well, surely, it can't be that bad. 他写得不至于那么糟糕吧 Oh, on the contrary. 与此相反 We speak in hushed voices, 我们轻声低语
  • 《复仇》第8集 第26期:做同一条船 Take it, and don't ever threaten my kids again. 拿着 以后不许你再威胁我孩子 You know, you might want to share 趁一切还来得及 your newfound peace of mind 你或许想和其他的伙计们 with the rest of your pals 分享一下你刚
  • 《复仇》第8集 第27期:无私奉献的父亲 Is this your father? 这是你父亲吗 What was he like? 他是个什么样的人 He was kind... 和蔼可亲 generous, 慷慨大方 funny... 风趣幽默 Humble but strong. 谦和但坚韧 He would've died for me. 愿意为我付出一切 Like my s
  • 《复仇》第8集 第28期:富人的糖果 You get your brother's boat all tied up? 把你哥哥的船系好了吗 Yeah. 系好了 Well, thanks again for letting us use your slip 再次感谢 让我们从你眼底下溜出去 to bring the booze in. 带酒进来 Yeah, I mean, it should save us
  • 《复仇》第8集 第29期:也许当个诗人比较好 Age-old cure... 治疗焦虑的 for anxiety. 古方 Mm. Well, I'm quite certain 我很确定 this won't bring me the solace I need, 现在丹尼尔成为了众矢之的 now that Daniel has made himself a target. 这可给不了我要的抚慰 You hav
  • 《复仇》第9集 第1期:罢免计划 Excelente, Victoria. 真精彩 维多利亚 Well, after my kidnapping, 自从绑架事件后 I developed a fondness for firearms. 我对枪炮火器的兴趣渐浓 You better not cross this one, Conrad. 你最好别惹着这位 康拉德 You have no
  • 《复仇》第9集 第2期:白日梦 Salvador Grobet-- 萨瓦多尔格罗贝 Brazil's answer to Richard Branson. 巴西版的理查德布兰森 Only rather than building his fortune business by business, 不过他可不是白手起家 一步步发展强大的 he married into it. 他娶了
  • 《复仇》第9集 第3期:怀念逝世的父亲 But I've got a plan that should help mitigate the sting. 但我有个计划 可以让我缓解一下阵痛 And what's that? 是什么 Well, that's for me to know, and you to find out. 那只有我才知道 你得自己慢慢挖掘才行 Oh, how's tha
  • 《复仇》第9集 第4期:保住了酒吧 You really saved our hides with this place, 你们帮了我们大忙 保住了酒吧 And I was hoping you'd come to my son's christening tomorrow. 我希望你们明天能来参加我儿子的洗礼会 Yeah, we'd be honored to. 好啊 我们很荣幸
  • 《复仇》第9集 第5期:美丽的组合 Where's your wife today, Salvador? 你夫人今天去哪儿了 萨瓦多尔 Sadly, Magda couldn't make the trip. 很遗憾 玛格达来不了 I'm afraid I'm left to entertain myself. 所以我只好孤身一人 独自取乐了 Well, I will be happy t